
The things we do to get a link back to our blog….but I will tell a true story in the process!

Tonight I’ll have the opportunity to attend Middle Sister’s capoeira class. We live in an area with many recent immigrants from Brazil, and at our parish the Brazilians have opened a capoeira group. Capoeira is a Brazilian form of martial arts, combining music, self-defense, rhythm and dance. Middle Sister loves it and it’s fun to watch her practice her moves like a ninja. There is a bit of culture shock, as most of the people in the class speak little English, and my Portuguese is limited to “good morning” and “thank you” as well as part of the “Hail Mary” but it doesn’t seem to deter Middle Sister from having fun and learning a lot.

And while you’re at it, check out my Frappr map, the latest blog fad! Tell me where YOU are!

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