Making a List, Praying It Twice

So when you’ve got a huge list of people who need your prayers how do you handle it?  Do you write them all down so you can remember them?  Do you try to keep track of them all in your head?  Do you make a list on your smartphone?

And is it copping out if you just pray:  “Lord, you know all the people I care about and have promised to keep in my prayers.  You know their needs and their concerns.  Help them to know that you are with them in their struggles, and may your will be done.”

That’s pretty much where I am right now.  So I hope that will be sufficient, because I am out of words.

5 thoughts on “Making a List, Praying It Twice

  1. I do my morning rosary while I run. Some mornings I spend a few minutes thinking about all the people who need my prayers, but no matter what, I conclude with "…and for everybody else I should be praying for…". And yes, right now seems to be a demanding season for prayers. There have been times that I've kept a prayer journal – a list of intentions – and then I would just say, "For everybody in my journal." I don't think it's copping out….kinda like going to confession and saying "for these sins and any other sins I have committed but don't recall, I am truly sorry." Still forgiven.

  2. I have a notebook that I keep with my prayerbook, but I am absolutely certain that I forget intentions. I try to recall extra additions while I'm praying in the morning.However, I also try to send a quick prayer when someone crosses my mind.Like Michelle, I also do some praying while I'm on the treadmill. Not the entire time, but during cool-down, usually.

  3. I keep a list. I tried to go without one for a number of months and I missed it. I have a list at the top of my list that includes the special intentions or ones people have specifically asked for.My problem is: when do you take someone off? It's a rhetorical question, really. I keep friends and family on forever and ever. And I've been inspired, lately, to do quite a marathon of novenas.So I got nothin for you in the way of real advice. But God knows. Right? Right!

  4. I am pretty casual about my supplication. Sometimes somebody randomly appears in my thoughts and I say, "I don't know why I'm thinking about this person right now but maybe they are especially in need of prayers at this moment so I am going to send my thoughts up as a prayer for this person right now." If there is a family member or friend in pressing dire need (illness etc.) they will be mentioned at the family dinner during Grace.

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