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Book Tour: Catholic Family Fun

It’s an honor to be part of Sarah Reinhard’s Catholic Family Fun Book Tour!  I was reading something else when this book arrived in the mail, but I dumped that in a hurry. You see, I’ve been a fan of Sarah’s blog since she was mom to only one child (she has three now, like I do.) This book celebrates the fun we all want to have with our families and shows us how things like building a backyard obstacle course, eating breakfast for dinner, and singing camp songs are not only family fun, but Catholic family fun. 
What I like best about Catholic Family Fun is that you don’t have to go all “Clark W. Griswold” on your family to incorporate the activities described in this book.  Just build it in; don’t force it.
Activities in the book are apropriate for a wide range of ages and can be modified if you (like me) have a big age gap between the kids.  Age gaps mean ability differences and huge variations in interests, and that’s an extra challenge when planning family activities.  With that in mind, the ideas in this book are labeled according to duration, cost and prep time.  The rest will vary, depending on how many children (and friends) are involved, and their ages.
Chapters in this book include such topics as silly things to do, story starters, crafts, food, outdoor fun, family field trips, saints, service and prayer.  There’s a handy appendix at the back that shows you at a glance how much prep time, money, or run time is needed for each activity.  Of course, your mileage may vary there, given your particular family circumstances, but it’s great to have a general idea.  Additional resources include a Facebook page and Catholic Family Fun website, which will be updated regularly with new activities and “extras” to coordinate with the book!

My only problem with this book?  It didn’t come along until my youngest child turned 10!  I really could have used it when my Big Kids were little, but nooooooo.  Sarah is young enough that she could have been my Big Kids’ babysitter.  For that matter, Sarah is young enough that I could have been her babysitter.  But we’re peers in parenting now, and I have a huge respect for her.  Read her books or her blog and you’ll find out why.

This is a book that will benefit parents, grandparents, teachers, catechists and friends.  Have fun together, and celebrate being Catholic all at the same time! 

Want your own copy?  Ask for it at your local Catholic bookstore, or visit the Catholic Family Fun website or Sarah’s book page for purchasing information.  At $11.95, it’s a family-friendly bargain!

I’m a stop on Sarah’s Virtual Book Tour!  The only bad thing about the “virtual” part is that I don’t get to meet her in person.  But read enough of her work, and you’ll feel like you know her already.  If you’re late to this Book Tour party, just use the link above to see all the reviews and interviews along the way.  I’ve found many wonderful “new-to-me” blogs thanks to this tour.

Disclaimer: I received a review copy of this book, but no other compensation, for my participation in this Book Tour. All opinions are mine.

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