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7 Quick Takes

So, it’s been a whole week since I posted anything, and I saw Hallie’s reminder about the Quick Takes and, well, why not?  Here’s a look at the randomness of my world.

1.  I started back to “work” this week.  Since “work” for me means freelance writing, I am “working” from the comfort of my own couch.  I am thankful for laptops that allow me not to sit at a desk, because sitting in a straight chair is not comfortable yet.

2.  One of my freelance projects is a blog targeted to new parents.  Normally this project involves product spotlights and occasional recall announcements.  Yesterday I was asked to discuss the whole TIME magazine-attachment parenting debacle.

3.  I got some bread baked yesterday, because we were almost out of bread, and I didn’t have time to walk down to 7-11 and get more.  Thanks to my Dough Machine, I made some at home.  Little Brother eats large quantities of toast every morning.  A double batch of Portuguese Easter Bread should do the trick.

4.  It’s good to have some energy back, and there are some things I can do around the house now.  If someone gets me everything I need from the lower shelves, I can cook.  If someone carries the laundry to the basement and delivers the baskets of clean clothes, I can do the laundry, this ensuring that my yoga pants don’t get put in the dryer and shrink to fit the 8-year-old neighbor.  I need those yoga pants right now!  I’m healing well on the outside and trying very hard to follow directions so I heal well on the inside too.

5.  Big Brother came home from college yesterday.  It’s good to have him home.  Last night the Big Kids and I sat around eating ice cream, talking and laughing.  It was great.  But having him here is also good for my blood pressure; his school is in a not-so-great neighborhood of Philadelphia, so I often find myself obsessing over crime and accident reports on the news, google-mapping the address to see if it’s anywhere near his dorm.  For the next 3 months, I don’t have to do that.

6.  I’ve got a cookbook giveaway going on over at Mom’s Fridge!  Check it out!

7.  Things I miss because I’m recovering:  daily Mass, helping out in the library at Little Brother’s school, grocery shopping, track meets.  Things I don’t miss:  driving, vacuuming, driving, mopping, driving, washing windows, and did I mention driving?  People have asked me if I’m getting stir-crazy because I can’t go anyplace.  Honestly, no.  I can get out and walk; there’s a Panera only about 1/4 mile away, so I can walk over there.  I’m sure I cancel out the “healthy” in the walk by bringing home a caramel latte, but I am powerless over the caramel latte.

Remember, the Quick Takes are being hosted at Betty Beguiles this week.  Why not link up?

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