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Small Success Thursday: St. Nicholas Eve Edition

Small-Success-Thursday-400pxIt’s time again for Small Success Thursday at! This encouraging feature highlights those little day-to-day ways that we’ve hit the mark in the past week.

It’s been a week, that’s for sure. I’ve ALMOST managed to keep all the balls in the air without dropping them. (I learned how to juggle in college. For real. When my kids were toddlers I would sometimes derail tantrums by juggling. But that’s a story for another day.)


Slowly–and in baby steps–I am getting the backlog of housework done. (Please don’t look at my kitchen floor; I haven’t gotten there yet). Sometimes I’m an all-or-nothing kind of girl when it comes to housework, but right now I’m settling for a small job here and there, just to keep things livable. And I’m talking about scrubbing tubs, not scrubbing walls. The goal right now is “Reasonably Sanitary,” not “House Beautiful.”


I am almost caught up on work–as in, the work I am paid to do. It’s flexible, but I do have a weekly goal I’m supposed to meet, and I was absent at a pretty bad time. So my November (and probably December) paychecks will be a little lighter, but I still have a writing job.


Tomorrow is St. Nicholas Day. Ever since Big Brother was in preschool, we’ve upheld the St. Nicholas Day tradition of treats. Even with all the crazy that has been our household for the past 8 days, I did manage to fill a small Priority Mail box with treats for Big Brother and mail it to him at college. Of course, it’s marked “Do Not Open Until December 6 By Order of St. Nicholas.” Now don’t go thinking I’m all pinterest-worthy for this. I just jammed whatever treats could fit in that box, then taped it shut. It’s not pretty, but it is FULL. You can stuff a lot into a Priority Mail small box if  you know how to pack. I think I fit 12 candy canes, 2 Snickers bars and 5 packs of M&Ms. (And I’ve got treats for everyone else all ready to go! This year, nuts and sugar-free gum.)


THE BIG ONE:  We’ve managed to keep Little Brother fairly healthy since he came home from the hospital Saturday. Diabetes is a huge lifestyle change and no matter how hard we try or what we do, we can’t make his diabetes go away. We are trying to help him live with it as best we can.

Want to play along? List 3 (give or take) Gold-Star-Worthy “little things” from this past week, and then link up at

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