Small Success Thursday: High-Tech Party Planning Edition

Small-Success-Thursday-400pxIt’s Small Success Thursday, and at that means we celebrate those little accomplishments that make our world go ’round!

We’re getting ready for a Double Graduation around here, so my successes are going to be party-related.


I figured out how to make a Facebook event to invite the family and friends who use that platform. That saved me a LOT in color-printing and postage costs. (Translation:  more in the party budget for delicious food!)


I made a party logo with the help of Microsoft Publisher! I think it’s pretty spiffy!

Big Brother is graduating from LaSalle and starting a job in his field at Monetate.

Middle Sister is graduating from Holy Cross High School and entering LaSalle in the fall.

one out one in

(Little Brother is not graduating at this time.)


High-tech party planning continues with the help of an Excel spreadsheet. I still hate Excel, but it really is the best way to go to keep track of all the EVERYTHING that goes into having a big backyard bash with over 100 invited guests. I’ve got the setup figured out, and data entry will take place today.

And one week from tomorrow, Big Brother will move out of his college apartment for the final time. It’s hard to wrap my head around that idea–and hard to express how very proud I am of his accomplishments. (Next week my Small Success had better include “make space in the garage or basement for Big Brother’s kitchen equipment.”)

Join us over at and share your successes for the week! No blog? No problem! Just post your successes in the comments box.

7 thoughts on “Small Success Thursday: High-Tech Party Planning Edition

  1. Dude (and I call you that with the most filial affection in mind)! You use a spreadsheet to keep track of the party and all the stuff you need? You are hard-core, lady. When my daughter got married, I did build a database for invitations and thank you notes, but everything was so very “unplanned”. I bow to your organizing skills. 🙂

    • Well, it’s probably more of a database. Or something. I hate Excel. It has columns for who was asked, how many were asked, how many are coming. So far. We invited about 100 people (it’s a big family) plus there are Big Brother’s friends, and I don’t know how many of those will be here but he has to give me 1 week’s notice!
      I am doing all the cooking for this party, so organization is going to be key.
      But I have to get Hubs to put in the thingamabob that adds up how many people are coming, because I don’t know how to do that. He gets to do all the finishing spreadsheet touches, since he is a data guy. Did I mention that I hate Excel?

  2. Barb, I so admire your ability to be tech-y. I think I am falling more and more behind in the world of technology, simply because I do not have the patience or desire to learn it and am basically clueless about it, anyway. In a dreamworld, I would hire a technology person (see, I don’t even know what to call him/her) to run my virtual world! 🙂 Congrats on 2 graduations; wow, you have a LOT going on!!! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with in terms of photos and such after parties commence. 🙂

    • Jeannie, everybody has different interests. I have always liked technology–right from my senior year in high school when the school got its first computers (yes, that’s how old I am!) I worked in the software industry for a while as well. I’ve been running my virtual world for 9 years now and it’s definitely been learn-as-I-go. You probably have gifts in areas that I couldn’t imagine succeeding in, so don’t sell yourself short!

      • Jaime, I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO with you! In fact, I am wishing/hoping/praying for someone to come along and help me totally redesign my blog so that it is more user- and administrator-friendly!!

      • Thanks, Barb, you are too kind! You are right – we all have different gifts and abilities, but I feel that, as a budding writer, I really need to get with the program about using social media and building a platform, especially using the web and blogging. I guess it is what it is! And hey, don’t worry about feeling old – we didn’t have internet access in my house until well into college, AND nobody had cell phones until I was a freshman in college!

  3. I am cracking up at your conversation with Jeanne about being high tech. I am in the dinosaur age myself. Figuring out a widget on my blog makes me do a happy dance. No matter that I ignored my kids for 30 minutes to figure it out, I am using brain cells to prevent dementia in my old(er) age!

    Congrats on the graduates. You sound very proud. 🙂 I will be in your place soon, but right now I am just fine freaking out at having a permit driver soon.

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