Small Success Thursday: Sticking to the Plan


Small-Success-Thursday-400pxThursdays at begin with a look at the past week’s Small Successes!

Around here, it’s been a busy week, what with a playground injury Friday that kept Little Brother away from soccer for a week (and included a trip for an x-ray that showed no permanent damage to his foot), an appointment with Little Brother’s new endocrinologist, and TheDad’s 2-year cancer checkup (so far so good!)

So…a lot of running around happened. And I managed not to let it ruin my plan.

Either that, or I’ve learned to make the plan flexible enough so that it won’t be ruined when my kid gets kicked in the back of the ankle while playing soccer at recess.

IMG_0237-0What’s worked this week?

  • I stuck to the meal plan (how do you like my spiffy Catholic Sistas meal-planning calendar? I’ve even remembered to write down necessary ingredients when planning way ahead.) And yes, I definitely use pencil to plan. It’s easier to shuffle things around this way when life gets in the way of the calendar.
  • We tried a new recipe! And I wrote it up! I’ve got a new recipe on the calendar for next week too.
  • In a nonfood success, I found a great sale on golf shirts for TheDad (he wears them to work) and a few things Little Brother needed, and spent a total of $125 (thank you, coupon code and free shipping) on over $300 worth of clothing. Bargains for the win!
  • And I’m starting to put my calendar to work for me, little by little cleaning out my overflowing email inbox and saving items to my calendar rather than keeping them in the inbox where they get forgotten.

2014-09-11 18.23.01Speaking of meal planning, I’m all about Mary Ellen Barrett’s upcoming linkup, so I’ve got to get next week all figured out! I used to post my menu plans, but I got away from that. It’ll be fun to pick that up again.

Share your Small Successes at by joining the linkup in the bottom of today’s post. No blog? List yours in the comments box!

5 thoughts on “Small Success Thursday: Sticking to the Plan

  1. Congratulations! Planning is awesome, and without it, I might not make it. (My mother is always amazed that I plan out monthly menus – drag and drop in Calendar is how I move things – but without that, I wouldn’t be feeding anyone until 10 PM! 🙂

    • That drag-and-drop…it sounds so good! For me, there’s SOMETHING about writing it down. I need to do that.

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