Small Success Thursday: Thanksgiving

It’s Thanksgiving, and it’s definitely better than last year’s Thanksgiving that we spent in the hospital with Little Brother. I am infinitely thankful for that.

Small-Success-Thursday-400pxIt’s also Thursday, which means we celebrate our Small Successes at! So in the spirit of the day, here goes:

  1. Middle Sister wanted to help cook Thanksgiving dinner. So far she has peeled 5 pounds of potatoes, made the stuffing, washed and stuffed the turkey and put it in to roast. I directed traffic and stayed out of the way.
  2. I’ve bitten my tongue a lot. And I’m praying I’ll be able to keep that up. I’m not talking about Middle Sister’s cooking, either.
  3. The apple pie didn’t leak juice all over the oven this year.

And now I will continue to enjoy “Alice’s Restaurant” on the radio for the second time today, and while I wait for it to come around on the git-tar, I will read what’s up with the other Catholic Moms! Because thanks to my Kitchen Apprentice, I’ve got some down time!

One thought on “Small Success Thursday: Thanksgiving

  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Barb! I remember what a fright it was last year, and I’m grateful for Little Brother’s improved health. Congratulations to Middle Sister for cooking dinner and giving Mom a well-deserved rest today!

    God grant you grace to deal with the tongue-biting incidents. 🙂

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