Small Success Thursday: Wake-Up Call

Small Success dark blue outline 800x800Thursdays at begin with a look at the past week’s Small Successes!

First, stand up and cheer with me: The Kid made the bus today!

It’s been a crazy week or so in School Bus World. His regular bus driver, the kind man who will stop back here to drop off a forgotten lunchbox after finishing the run and who patiently rolls the bus to a stop right in front of our house to give The Kid an extra opportunity to make the bus each morning, is ill. The substitutes don’t know the route, much less that Mr. Tony doesn’t make The Kid wait on the corner (we’re the only ones at the stop). So there were days when The Kid was ready for the bus, waiting in our front yard dribbling his soccer ball, and the substitute driver zoomed right by. We won’t talk about how fast they were driving on a residential street, either.

But today he made the bus, because I have devised the Best Way to Wake Up a 7th-Grade Boy Ever.

15 minutes after his alarm clock goes off, I go in there and warn him that if he’s not up by the time I have gathered up the drink, yogurt and snack for his lunchbox, I’m coming back, and I won’t be alone.

When I come back, I bring Meghan.

I like Meghan’s sound. The Kid does not. He’s out of bed before the end of the first verse.

And yesterday I took a long look at my kitchen and did not like what I saw. So I piled all the stuff that was in a place where it didn’t belong on the kitchen table. My mission was to get it all put away before dinnertime. And I got it done. I even moved the bread machine and put the recipe box in that spot, because it makes more sense that way.

kitchen table before and after

I’d get out the tablecloth now, but my daughter has a pineapple she wants to cut up, and I’d rather wait to put down the tablecloth until that job is done.

That diabetic-supply basket looks none too terrific, but that’s a project for another day. Right now, we’re just happy that all the stuff The Kid needs is in one accessible spot.

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3 thoughts on “Small Success Thursday: Wake-Up Call

  1. I have to say I’m with the kid. I couldn’t even listen to the end. kinda raunchy. Funny thing is Faith was telling me about that song yesterday. Her girlfriend went to a Christian camp where they turned the word base into “grace” and trouble into “devil” which is great EXCEPT all those kids are going to go look up the real song and listen to it. Kind of defeats the purpose.

    Thanks for the kitchen inspiration — we have a grad party here Sunday and I need to clean up everywhere!

  2. Fortunately my 15 YO is good abotu getting out of bed. But having to drive him to school everyday (and now summer school) makes me long for is 16th birthday. I do have to remind him sometimes that I need to work 8 hours a day and am not at his beckon call when I work from home

    • I get that same attitude, since I work from home. My work priorities are never as high-priority as his fun priorities!

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