Resolution: Keep the Feeder Full

On Friday, December 27, 2019, I filled my bird feeder for the first time in four months.

These past four months have been beyond difficult. We returned home from a blessedly relaxing vacation on August 31, and things fell apart the very next day.

This fall, my family has experienced two very serious health crises; September 1 marked the beginning of an extremely rough time. For six weeks, I spent about half my time traveling back and forth to northern New Jersey to help with things there. After that, an illness closer to home kept me here, taking care of one while simultaneously feeling guilty about leaving my family “up north” behind.

And just as things began to settle down, we emptied our entire home into the basement, the garage, and a storage pod so some long-overdue renovations could be completed; we lived in an extended-stay hotel for 2 1/2 weeks.

On Saturday, finally, I loaded my brand-new bookcases with books I hadn’t laid eyes on since early November.

2019-12-28 21.53.16
Copyright 2019 Barb Szyszkiewicz. All rights reserved.

All this to say: My bird feeder has been sorely neglected. I was barely keeping up with work. I took shortcut after shortcut when it came to meals, and the laundry got done, but when I sat down at 7:30 to relax with a book, I’d be snoring on the couch within 15 minutes. I had no bandwidth left for birds, or anything else.

We’re back in the house. My loved ones are still feeling the effects of those health crises, but things are improving for them all the time.

My bookshelves are full, and so is my bird feeder. I’ve missed taking those five minutes to fill that up. I’ve missed seeing the sparrows, cardinals, and house finches nibbling at the birdseed. I’ve missed hearing the birds gleefully begin to chirp when I approached the feeder with cups of seed in my hands. In all the necessary rushing around, I’ve missed those moments.

Four months is a long time to let a feeder go unfilled. That 5-star bird feeder rating that I’ve worked years to achieve is not mine to claim right now. But I hope that by the time the juncos return to herald the winter snow, the neighborhood birds will have discovered that my feeder is open for business.

This New Year, I’m resolving to keep the feeder full. Because it feeds me, too.

2019-12-27 10.23.36
Copyright 2019 Barb Szyszkiewicz. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2019 Barb Szyszkiewicz

4 thoughts on “Resolution: Keep the Feeder Full

  1. Lovely post! Life’s too short not to enjoy those simple pleasures! I avoid feeding the birds because of the voles it attracts, but I love that in early autumn, the gold finches feast on our coneflower seeds and come March, when we get a late snow, the robins will enjoy the rose hips on our bush! Praying your 2020 is a smoother ride! (And I love your new bookcases!!!)

  2. Thanks, Carolyn! I am very happy with the new bookcases. The old ones were super ugly and the shelves were all bent from the weight of my books. (These have wood shelves so they promise to be sturdier.)
    The only rodents we get at the feeder are squirrels and chipmunks, so I’m all about feeding them up!

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