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Small Success Thursday: Fully Loaded

Small-Success-Thursday-400pxThursdays at begin with a look at the past week’s Small Successes!


Two days ago we moved Middle Sister and all her stuff to her college dorm.

I told her that she could put things behind the front door as she got them ready, so she could have more room in her bedroom to organize what was left, and before the clothing and shoes and dorm refrigerator made it into the stack, the pile mirrored the dimensions of the front door–and was 18 inches deep.

I don’t drive a U-Haul, for the record. I did manage to get it into the van with enough room for us to sit and Hubs could see out the back window.

That’s a packing WIN right there.


Little Brother and I navigated our way to the train station and then to Reading Terminal Market where we met up with Erin McCole-Cupp and her family. We did not get Tomato Pie, but there was a whole lot of feasting going on, and we meandered through the market letting the kids inspect everything they saw. Little Brother wanted me to buy a giant slab of bacon, but I thought better of carrying bacon home on a 30-minute train ride (and almost as long after that in the car) without benefit of a cooler. Next time we’ll come prepared.

Thanks to Little Brother’s eyes being bigger than his stomach, we made an emergency purchase of non-diet soda for him to cover the insulin he took for 2 slices of pizza he couldn’t come close to finishing. But it turned out to be a Good Thing, because we discovered that Flying Monkey Bakery sells Mexican Coca-Cola. The Real Thing. With real sugar. 

So we managed to stave off any diabetic issues, AND we correctly “wild-guessed” the carbs in the Chocolate-Dipped Chocolate Chip Cookie from Famous 4th Street Cookies that he bought to take home.


How about this breakfast of champions? That’s a homemade “latte” and an almond horseshoe pastry from Termini Brothers. I saved it for today. Oh my, that was good.

That’ll give me the proper nourishment to make my third trip to Philly in 3 days–for the Freshman Convocation that will officially welcome Middle Sister as a college student. As I write this, she and the other students in the Signum Fidei service organization are helping to move in her fellow freshmen.

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