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Small Success with a Side of Bacon

Small-Success-Thursday-400pxThursdays at begin with a look at the past week’s Small Successes!


The Kid’s blood sugar ran high all night and into this morning. We don’t know why. Sometimes diabetes is just random. And frustrating.

So Hubs suggested that he have a low-carb breakfast instead of his usual meal (a double bowl of instant oatmeal and an over-easy egg).

That meant I made bacon on a weekday.

I hate making bacon because I’m left with a huge mess all over the kitchen. Actually I almost never make the bacon. Hubs makes it. And then I rant that I want him to clean up the mess, and then I wind up cleaning up the mess myself, and it’s never pretty.

But today I maintained a good attitude about the bacon and its mess, and I hope it bodes well for The Kid’s blood sugar later today.

We’re not worrying about cholesterol right this minute. One thing at a time.


In other food news, I tried yet another recipe from Jeff Young’s cookbook, Around the Table with the Catholic Foodie. And it’s yet another winner. Baked Salmon with Olive Oil and Salt. Seriously, that’s all you need. No pepper. No lemon. Nothing creamy or fancy. It’s simple and delicious.

Every recipe I’ve tried from that cookbook, so far, has been a great success.


In the name of cleaning up my act, I tossed a large basketful of the Personal Journal section of The Wall Street Journal. I enjoy reading those, but I got way behind when I was teaching every day, and I would just take the section out of the paper and recycle the rest. Finally I just admitted that I’m not going to get to these ever. And I threw them into the recycling bucket.

That felt good. I wonder what unused stuff I can let myself let go of today?


That bacon grease in the griddle pan? I’ll be using it in tomorrow night’s Last Minute Fried Rice.

Waste not, want not.

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