Things Parents Say…with a NYC Accent

"Dashboard" by Tomo Nakajima (2013), Flickr. All rights reserved.
“Dashboard” by Tomo Nakajima (2013), Flickr. All rights reserved. If this car had Sirius radio, I’d buy it.

Every morning on the way to theater camp it’s the same. The Kid and I fight over what we’re going to listen to on the radio. He punches buttons and I veto his selections.

Then I get, “But Mom! It’s ‘Loota’!”

Me: “We are not listening to people who name themselves after criminals who steal from stores during riots.”

Kid: …

Then I see the display on the stereo screen: Ludacris.

I still made him change the station.

It was a lot easier when he was small and had to sit in the back and couldn’t reach the radio.

And any of you who tell me I need to savor these last 3 1/2 years until he gets s driver’s license and is no longer in my passenger seat, you can have his musical (and I use that term loosely) selections.