Worth Every Penny

Little Brother went outside half an hour ago and found our neighbors having a garage sale.

Since our neighbors have a boy the same age as Middle Sister as well as a 7-year-old girl, Little Brother found himself in Toy Heaven. Now these neighbors have unfailingly been generous with Boy Next Door’s outgrown clothing and toys–Little Brother’s been the beneficiary of many fun items.

But today he hit the jackpot.

Behold the Fisher Price Castle.

We have one of these; it used to belong to Big Brother and that thing has seen about 12 years of use. Most of the knights still survive.

But Boy Next Door’s castle would be just the thing for Little Brother to set up a proper battle–Castle vs. Castle. Especially since Boy Next Door’s castle came with a full complement of RED knights (ours has black ones and gold ones). And all at the bargain price of only $3, nice and clean and in terrific condition.

The cannonballs will be flying today!

Did we need another castle? No. But for $3, it will buy Little Brother many busy afternoons this winter when the weather is bad and he can’t run outside. I think it was money well spent.

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