On Demand

Last night TheKid had a rehearsal, which means that I got in at 9:30 after the Mom’s Taxi run. And then I sat down at my computer and decided to finish up some logo work for work. We’ve got a Virtual Progressive Dinner coming up and I wanted to make a special logo for each course.

Progressive-550x260So I created the last few logos and before I knew it, it was 11 PM (more than an hour after I like to get to sleep.)

I dreamed about working in Canva all.night.long.

When I went to wake up TheKid this morning, I told him about this, and he said to me, “You should have asked me what to dream about before you went to bed.”

“You can dream on demand?”

“Yeah. It’s easy.”

I don’t think I can do that. But I’m not going to be doing any graphic work or playing any word-puzzle games online before I go to sleep anymore, because when I do that kind of thing, it stays in my head all night. I’ll have to stick to reading novels after 9 PM.

Photo credit: ZanBeck (2013) via Flickr; modified in Canva by the author.

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